Welcome to DavidPawson.com
David Pawson 1930 – 2020
To watch David and Enid Pawson's memorial service, held at the Milmead Centre, Guildford CLICK HERE.

David is considered to be one of the world’s finest biblical expositors. Translations of David’s teachings continue to grow with extensive projects currently focused in countries including Brazil, Germany, Czech Republic, Hungary, China and Indonesia, just to name a few.
www.davidpawson.org which provides David’s Audio and Video free to view/stream/download is still very popular and has achieved more than 15m hits since we launched in 2012. David’s Youtube Channel, launched in 2015, has more than 13m views with viewers in almost every country of the world. We now have Spanish, Indonesian, Dutch, Portuguese and a German Channel.
David was passionate about teaching the Bible and believed every teacher has a responsibility to expound the truth and expose error. He encourages everyone to read the Bible for themselves, not verse by verse but to read each verse in the context in which they were written. Too many people misquote Bible verses by taking them out of context. David teaches that a ''text out of context becomes a pretext’’ to a whole new and wrong meaning to that for which the verse was written.
Best known for his series Unlocking the Bible, David taught that the Bible is not one book but a library of books. Each book is different, written by many different writers. To understand each book of the Bible you need understand firstly ‘Who' wrote the book, and secondly ‘Why' the book was written. In this series David gives us the keys to unlock the Bible for ourselves.
A selection of Davids teachings have been collated into a Christian Discipleship Training series - CLICK HERE or to download this series as individual pdf booklets please go to www.explainingbiblicaltruth.global
He was an advocate that the solution to every situation in life can be found by reading the scriptures.
His ministry continues...

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"In the beginning..."
This phrase is often wrongly read as "Once upon a time", as in the opening of a pleasant story or fairy tale, but David Pawson views it as a radical statement indicating that "our universe has not been around forever". Yet despite this, "most people in our world, and most men in history, have believed the opposite, that the universe is eternal".
If Genesis was written to provide understanding of our origins and the consequences of the Fall, then why has this book of the Bible in particular inspired so much debate and controversy? And does it conflict with a scientific understanding of the origins of the universe?
If God is a God of truth, why do science and Scripture sometimes seem to disagree? For instance, how can we reconcile the problem of references to the days of creation in Genesis with the estimates of billions of years? Can these apparent discrepancies and disagreements be explained?
And in a world beset with troubles and threats of pandemics, hunger, inflation, recession, and nuclear war, why is it necessary to consider the origins of the universe and the human race?
In this ambitious book, David Pawson tackles these and other challenging questions within the context of the creation versus evolution debate. In arguing that both God's Word and science are compatible, he points out that "the battles are battles of fact, but the warfare is a warfare of faith".
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David Pawson Publishing Ltd (trading as Anchor Recordings) - Publisher and global distributor of David Pawson’s ministry © DavidPawson 2025
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